Time — Love’s True Currency
Time, that precious commodity I believe I sometimes waste. Time, I have been told since childhood, must be valued and I need to make the most of as it is all I really have in this life. So DON’T waste it. But do I? I wonder. I know doodle, I daydream, I watch senseless TV, I play silly games on the net and I search the web for frivolity. Not all the time, of course, but I do occasionally break the rules and escape. So as I now take time to ponder how I spend my time I begin to think of you.
Is the time I spend thinking of you a waste? Is remembering our times laughing and loving each other a waste? Is anticipating our plans for the evening, or a trip or a new adventure a waste? The critic inside me comes up immediately. “Is this productive? What about the task you have been avoiding, why are you not doing it? You need to get busy. You are wasting time again”. But how could that be? Isn’t this time valuable and a deposit in my love account named “You.”
Is the time I spend arguing with you a waste of time? That intense time when we passionately state, or shout, our opposing views, we disagree and I believe you are an absolute idiot and wonder why I am with you. Or is this time a learning, and growth in my exploration of asserting my beliefs and opinions- a statement of my reality and what is important to me. Isn’t it basically a deposit in a different love account named “Me”? And your deposit in your love account named “You”?
Then there is time I spend meditating and connecting to the wonders of the Universe and that sacred space inside and outside of me. How can that be a waste? I see it as time well spent in the exploration of the mysteries of life and another kind of love, a deeper and purer love. More deposits in the bank account of “Love”.
I believe I need to be aware of how I choose to spend my time but I need to doit without punitive rigidity. That critical account needs to have a zero balance.
I know that any time I spend thinking of you, being with you in so many precious ways, are all ways of loving you and loving me at the same time. They are excellent ways of spending my currency of time.
“Children know they are valued by time spent. That is why work addiction is more detrimental to children than alcoholism.”
Sharon Wegsheider-Cruse
I deeply value the time you choose to spend with me. I believe it is your way of loving me and as I take time to take that in, I feel blessed and I deposit it into the account of “Being Loved by You.” How I love knowing you and being loved by you. How exquisitely delicious this feels.
To me, time spent in the thinking of, the expression of and the demonstration of love has to be the most well spent time in life.
And now to you, who so graciously choose to spend a minute or two of your valuable time reading my posts. To you I feel grateful, honoured and humbled. Thank-you for depositing in the account I call ”Loving and living my Passion.”